Language Arts

Over the next two months our class will be reading the novel, “James and the Giant Peach” by Roald Dahl. Your child can read this story at their own pace, or by using the following ‘suggested’ timeline.

  • Chapters 1-6 DUE WED. APRIL 22nd
  • Chapters 7-13 DUE WED. APRIL 29th
  • Chapters 14-19 DUE WED. MAY 6th
  • Chapters 20-26 DUE WED. MAY 13th
  • Chapters 27-32 DUE WED. MAY 27th
    ** Please note: NO questions due Victoria Day Week
  • Chapters 33-39 DUE WED. JUNE 3rd

I suggest reading the chunk of chapters first, then completing the comprehension questions I have sent home. I will post the answer sheet on Facebook for parents as a references. As your child finishes these questions, you can send a picture of them to me, or wait until they have completed the package. I will be checking in and reading with them during our Morning Meetings and scheduled Office Hours. I strongly encourage you to have your child read this book on their own, to a sibling, or to you.

If they need other books to read I suggest checking out EPIC.

COVID-19 Time Capsule Project

In addition to our novel study, I am asking that your child complete the following Time Capsule Project in the next two months. Do not stress or rush to finish this. You have until the end of the year to finish the assignment. We will be discussing this in Morning Meetings and you can request a conference during my Office Hours (10:00 – 11:30 and 1:00 – 2:00). More information to come.

Growth Mindset Journal

Check out this PDF file for daily topics to explore. You can use these as topics for your Time Capsule Journal, or just discussions to have around the dinner table, up to you. Another helpful strategy is coming up with a list as a family of things you are grateful for every day.

Welcome Back High/Low Check In

Please take a few minutes and answer the following questions. Write me a few sentences to let me know how you have been and how. you are doing. You can write these on a piece of paper and take a picture of it, or type your answers in Google Docs.

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